Brand Values

Our core beliefs serve as the guiding principles for all our actions. Our brand values extend beyond our products and are woven into the very fabric of who we are and how we work.



We believe in treating everyone with respect, including our customers, partners, and colleagues. We value diversity and inclusivity, and we strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Respecting each others’ ideas and perspectives is crucial to creating innovative and effective payment solutions for B2B trade. Respect is our core value.


Curiosity is at the heart of everything we do. We are always looking for new ways to solve problems and create value for our customers. We ask questions, challenge assumptions, and constantly seek to learn and improve. As curiosity is in our DNA, we open ourselves to experimentation, change, and technological innovation.


We embrace risk in a savvy way and think outside the box. We are convinced that innovation requires boldness and a willingness to try new and daring things. Learning rather than failing is our mission. We encourage our team members to be brave, creative, and to take calculated risks to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Boldness allows us to create game-changing payment solutions that have a real and lasting impact on B2B trade.